
Dear Stapler

Dear Snazzy Purple Stapler,

My boss lady bought you for me because she broke the one I had before. She's a bit of a prude, so I'm sure she didn't notice your resemblance to a pocket rocket. I did. ^.^

It makes me snicker every time I look at you.



  1. LOL. That would probably be the most fun thing on my desk and now I'm jealous. I might start looking for pocket-rocket resembling staplers...


  2. Oh! I keep all sorts of fun things on my desk! I have a red high heel tape dispenser, a dinosaur, a drama llama, various "souveniers" my friends co-workers have brought me from their vacations, a purse post-it note holder(that needs to be re-filled)...all kinds of stuff. And I'm addicted to office supplies. :)

  3. I love office supplies really serious, but I can't have little knick knacks on my desk. Pretty office supplies? Yes. I'm not sure what it is but it drives me a little nuts to have lots of things on my desk. :)

  4. Most of the time, I have plenty of room on my desk because it's huge. (It's only when I do ACTUAL work that I want to sweep them off into a drawer.)


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